Tuesday 5 April 2016

Classical Performance Arrangement First Week

My class was given the task to choose a piece of classical music and to arrange it in order to make it modern. It's our choice if we want to do it in groups or individually. I choose to work with a friend of mine (Miray).
For this first week, all we did was going through what we need to do with our teacher, discussing what piece we should do and how we would do it and also getting some background information in the piece and in the pianist.
We decided that we would work on a very famous piece of music called "Fur Elise".
Fur Elise by Beethoven was first composed in 1810 and published in 1867. It's now a commonly learnt piano piece that have been many variations made to it over the 146 years since it was published.
The full version of the piece is mostly in semiquarters, there are a lot of dramatic changes through the piece. The piece is supposed to be in 3/8 however this is one of the major things that me and my friend are gonna change.
More background information about the composer is in my previous post (
We made the choice to work on the short version of this piece and in the piano part because we both have knowledge in piano. We believe that by us doing the short version, instead of the long version, it will be easier to make it more modern and more catchy.
We also decided that we will play the piece in 3/4 instead of 3/8 because we want to keep it nice and simple. We also decided that most probably Miray will play the chords and I will play the melody, we will record it then to my computer by using Garage Band and we will try to make a remix with it, in order to make it modern.

1 comment:

  1. A good introductory paragraph to your task, well done.
