Sunday 1 May 2016

Film Composer - Task 2

Over decades, the film music history, had great composers, such as:

Bernard Herrmann:
Known for his great compositions for motion picture, he was born in New York City, in 1911, however his parents were originally from Russia.
Herrmann's formal music education began in 1927 at DeWitt High School, were he learnt all the basics of his craft with his first composition teacher, Gustav Heine.
In 1941 he won the Academic Award for music score of a dramatic picture.

  • John Williams 
  • Ennio Morricone 
  • John Barry
  • Elmer Bernstein
  • Maurice Jane
  • Max Steiner
  • Hans Zimmer
  • James Horner
I listened to "Rose" from the movie "Titanic', by James Horner, "For the love of a princess", also by James Horner and "The Secret Wedding". Also, "Now we are free, from the movie "Gladiator" by Hans Zimmer.


  1. Again, your work lacks detail Ana. Your list of composers should have come first with some examples of the films they had composed for. You should have then listed some of the works you listened to from each of the composers. There should then be an in depth biography of your chosen composer including reasons why you chose him/her.

  2. Links to examples of their work would also be good so the reader of your blog could listen to some of the examples.
