Thursday 8 October 2015

Why does my heart feel so bad reflection

 We were told to try our own version of Moby's Why does my heart feel so bad, and we decided who is going to play what and how in our groups. Leen is playing the xylophone, Elie plays the piano, Manoli is playing bass guitar and I do the melody.
About our flaws, I think the only thing we really need to improve is the melody and the xylophone timing.


  1. Where is your recording Ana? How are your group going to improve the melody & xylophone timing? Who is doing the singing? Did you include a singer or not? This is a very limited reflection on what you have done & how you have done it. There is also not much information on how you intend to improve it.

  2. You haven't posted your final recording & reflection... I cannot mark what is not here I'm afraid!Criteria B: Developing Skills - 0
    Criteria D: Responding - 0
